There Is a Lot of Emptying Going On


Exploring the concept of emptying corruption, globally and spiritually, for the sake of wholeness.

Numbers 14:21 But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

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We are watching a lot of things be emptied, so to speak. A lot of various organizations are being turned upside down and some completely emptied, or close to it.

In October, Isreal voted to ban UNRWA from operating in Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israel was condemned for this action; however, they proved it was justified because of multiple members of the organization being affiliated with Hamas and their direct involvement in the attack on October 7. (BBC) They were forced to vacate or empty their positions.

Here in the United States, it is mind-blowing what we are seeing emptied. We all knew the corruption was there, we’ve all felt it in our paychecks. But to see the true numbers, is shocking.

USAID was basically gutted, and millions of hard-earned American dollars were discovered to be being wasted on various things from $1.5 million for DEI in Serbia workplaces, to $70,000 for a “DEI musical” in Ireland, and even $47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia, on to things we will likely never know exactly what they really were. By the time they were done, only around 300 employees were determined necessary out of 10,000 and there was a massive lay-off. (Fact Check, Business Insider)

FEMA, IRS, Department of Education, and many others are facing- the emptying. The Department of Treasury, CMS, Department of Labor, DoD, and many others are now either under investigation, or being considered for it.

Sadly, these things were not inspected and cleaned a long time ago. Accountability is important and it’s hard to understand how they’ve gotten by so long, and with so much money.

And- we all know the worst of it is likely yet to come; the darkest of it.

Again, there’s a lot of emptying or plans to empty, that’s happening in our world. I started with Israel, to point out that it’s not only in the United States. It’s happening in countries all over the world. It’s even happening in Africa. Things are being emptied, turned over, spilled out, appearing to be “cleaned up”. (Sputnik Africa)

Had these things happened a few decades ago, or even just a couple of years ago, we might not would think so much of this. But the clock is at a different place now. The stage is being set for something much larger than casual politics. The one world system is coming together faster than ever.

In light of that, I thought about what the Bible says about “emptying” and “cleaning.”

In Matthew 12:43-45, we are told of an unclean spirit that comes back, finding the house empty, swept clean, and made neat. The evil spirit then goes out and brings seven other spirits, that are even more evil than it and they all come back to live there.

Some might think we should just shrug this off and resolve that it’s just going to be whatever it’s going to be and whatever is going to happen is what is going to happen. But I don’t think this story is in the Bible for us just to shrug at.

I think we should pray. I think we should pray about the details. I think the Bible even instructs us to pray about these details that will unfold.

Matthew 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day.

I find that verse extremely interesting. If prayers are to be heard over the season and the weather, then surely there are some mercies God will consider.

In light of that, I think we should pray for God’s mercy towards His people in who it is that “fills” these “empty, clean” positions.

Remember the story of Esther? She was placed in a position for “such a time as this” and we should pray for people to be placed in positions for OUR “such a time as this”.

In the story, King Xerxes of Persia, banishes his wife, Queen Vashti for not obeying his command.

Esther was told by her cousin Mordecai to keep her Jewish identity quiet. And she became the new Queen.

Haman worked under King Xerxes and had a confrontation with cousin Mordecai, when cousin Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman. Haman then in turn craftily, persuaded King Xerxes to issue a decree to exterminate all the Jews in the Persian kingdom.

Cousin Mordecai took the issue to Queen Esther. He urged her to intervene and go before the King on behalf of the Jews. This was against the law, and punishable by death but Esther decided to act and replies; “If I perish, I perish.” She was bold for her God and her people. She was obedient to her calling for “such a time as this.”

Esther hosted a banquet for King Xerxes and Haman. At the banquet she revealed Haman’s plans and her true identity. The King was angered and ordered Haman to be hanged in the gallows.

Esther won freedom for her people. (Jewish people still celebrate this event as Purim.)

Brethren I think we should be praying that God puts some Esthers in places where only He knows they will be needed. I think we need to pray for the Hamans to be replaced by the Esthers. We need to pray for leaders to have movable hearts like King Xerxes, who might be swayed in moments of weighty, deadly decisions.

The story of Esther shows us great strategy on God’s part for His people, and we are His people too.

We don’t have the wisdom, knowledge, and strategy of God, but I think we should be praying for these things as we see them and not only that, I think we can also find hope in these stories in the Old Testament.

God did spectacular miracles for Israel in the Old Testament. Even when they were nationally disobedient, there were still remnant pockets and persons, that God continued to protect and provide for, and those stories should comfort our hearts.

We as believers have a role to play in these days and perhaps the Lord might place some of us in Esther-like positions.

The story of Esther shows us a way of escape, just as He has promised. He is still the same God, and He is no respecter of persons.

There’s great hope and comfort in these stories and I think rather than focus on the raging storms rising up, we should focus on the many abilities of our God to deliver His people.

Let us remember the people He put in strategic positions in the Old Testament like Esther, Joseph, Moses, Noah and more. Let us pray with hope, that He puts those there again for His people in the days that are coming. Let us pray for His filling of these emptying positions.

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SeaToSea OhMe
SeaToSea OhMe
Hello everyone! I’m Sea 🌊 I’m a sinner saved only by grace! I believe the Bible is inerrant. I believe according to John 1, in the beginning was the Word- and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. I believe according to Isaiah 9 that Jesus is God. I believe He is the same; yesterday, today and forever! I’ve known Him for almost 33 years. I’m a wife and mother. I have six grown children who were homeschooled. 5 boys, 1 daughter. Several of them served our nation in the navy. I have 4 grandchildren. And I’m very grateful to be here! 🙏 I look forward to meeting you! 🇺🇸 🙏 🇺🇸

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