On the night of March 13-14, 2025, skywatchers across North and South America will be treated to a stunning total lunar eclipse, often dubbed a “Blood Moon” due to its striking reddish hue.
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This event marks the first total lunar eclipse since November 2022.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow over the lunar surface.
During totality, which will last 65 minutes from 2:26 a.m. to 3:31 a.m. EDT (06:26 to 07:31 UTC), the Moon will fully enter Earth’s umbral shadow.
Sunlight filtering through Earth’s atmosphere scatters shorter blue wavelengths, leaving longer red and orange tones, a phenomenon known as Rayleigh scattering. This is the same process that paints our sunrises and sunsets.
The best views will be in North and South America, where the entire eclipse will be visible under clear skies. Western Europe will catch only a glimpse before moonset, with totality beginning just before sunrise.
No special equipment is needed. Binoculars or a telescope can enhance the experience, revealing details like craters as Earth’s shadow creeps across the lunar landscape.
This Blood Moon is the first of two total lunar eclipses in 2025, with the second occurring on September 7-8.
In Jewish tradition, the Talmud (Sukkah 29a) discusses eclipses as signs. It states: “When the sun is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for the nations of the world; when the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel, since Israel reckons by the moon and the nations by the sun.” However, it concludes with reassurance: “When Israel fulfills the will of the Omnipresent, they need have no fear of these omens.”
The reasoning ties to the Jewish calendar’s lunar basis. Israel’s spiritual identity is linked to the moon, which waxes and wanes, symbolizing cycles of exile and redemption. A lunar eclipse, where the moon darkens or turns red, could signify trouble or judgment for Israel. The Talmud further elaborates: “If its face is red as blood, [it is a sign that] the sword is coming to the world,” suggesting war or conflict, while other appearances might indicate famine or both.
This isn’t a universal Jewish belief today. Many modern Jews view eclipses as natural astronomical events, not divine signals.
Some people view the March 13-14, 2025, Blood Moon as a potential bad omen for America.
When I asked Grok for info on this, the reply was: this view isn’t rooted in a unified biblical or scientific consensus—it’s more a mix of prophetic speculation, cultural context, and current events.
The Bible’s Blood Moon references (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12) speak of a “moon turned to blood” before the “day of the Lord” or end-times judgment. These do appear to be global and not nation specific.
Some see the timing and visibility of the eclipse as a type of spotlight on America. Some like John Hagee have historically tied Blood Moons to modern events affecting America (e.g., 9/11 or Israel policy shifts).
(There’s also a video article on Israel 365; Pastor Biltz Warns: Upcoming Blood Moons Tetrad Marks the Beginning of “Global Economic Tragedy” along those lines.)
And as far as it falling on Purim. There doesn’t appear to be any direct connection to Esther’s story and a blood moon nor a lunar eclipse on Purim isn’t biblically foretold.
However, I personally note that Esther’s story is a narrative of Jewish deliverance from genocide in ancient Persia. And Iran is Persia. And they need deliverance again.
Others seem to be taking note of that too.
And then there’s the many, many other things that are happening.
I hope you all get a chance to view the event.
Let us continue to watch and pray and be thankful to our amazing Creator.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork!
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